Low fat Yogurt healthy? Low fat Vs. nonfat Yogurt Benefits.

 You need fats, but not to become fatter. Does it sound silly or interesting to you? Alright, no problem, it can be. I think you got the topic which I am going to introduce with. Yes, today the write up is all about fats and yogurt. More precisely, today I will be focusing on low-fat yogurt and low-fat Greek yogurt.

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What are fats?

Generally, fat is a nutrient and it is an essential component of our diet plan. Since, it is essential, definitely it has some beneficial impacts on our health. Our body requires a certain amounts of fats to function soundly. But, you need to keep in mind that, all fats are not useful or good and there are bad fats as well. Basically, we need the “good fats” and we should avoid “bad fats”. Moreover, good fats help to prevent disease. On the other hand, consumption of bad fats can lead to serious health problems. So, you need to develop a clear concept on both good fats and bad fats.

Biologically, fat is one of the micronutrients like protein and carbohydrate. Fats are also known as triglycerides. Sometimes you may get confused with “fats”, “oils” and “lipids”. But, all three are different in their structure and function. However, all of them are soluble in organic solvent but insoluble in water.

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Types of yogurt based on fat content

Yogurt is a nutrient rich fermented milk product and it contains essential nutrition such as protein, vitamin, mineral, calcium, potassium and phosphorus. Moreover, yogurt is generally produced by the function of certain microorganism. Since the article is about fats and yogurt, I will show you different types of yogurt based on its fat percentage. However, the quantity of fats in yogurt can be determined based on the type of milk used to make it.

1. Full-fat yogurt: The percentage of fat in full-fat yogurt is around 3.3 to 4 percent and full-fat milk has also the same amount of fat. Moreover, full-fat yogurt contains a higher amount of protein, calcium etc. Since it is usually made from full-fat milk, it contains all the nutrition and fats of the milk.

2. Low fat yogurt

Low-fat, plain yogurt is made by the fermentation of low-fat or skimmed milk. Low-fat plain yogurt calories are low and it also contains nutrition. The percentage of fat in low-fat yogurt is relatively lower than the percentage of fat in full-fat yogurt.

3. Fat-free yogurt: The percentage of fat in fat-free yogurt is around 0.4 percent.

Trans Fats in yogurt

Yogurt contains trans fats which are also called milk trans fats. Moreover, these trans fats have beneficial health impacts as well. Along with that, the most enormous trans fats are available in yogurt and they are vaccenic acid and conjugated linoleic acid. However, the percentage of linoleic acid in yogurt is much higher than its percentage in milk.
Most of the fat of yogurt is unsaturated fats. Unsaturated fats are also considered as “good fats”.

Why you require fats?

Fats in the diet can increase the taste of the food. Moreover, the amount of fat can make the food more attractive by increasing texture, color and flavor of the food. Earlier I said that, a certain amount of fat is necessary for our health. However, modern diet plan contains foods with high amounts of fats. But, you need to consider the fat percentage of foods according to your requirements. Fats have both positive and negative health impacts. Now I am going to talk about the pros and cons of fats.

The benefits of fats

• Fats are the condensed source of energy in our body. Moreover, fats contain a higher amount of calories than the proteins and carbohydrates have. While we take a rest, the reserved fat of our body provides energy by converting fat to glucose.

• Fats provide a covering to our sensitive organs such as the liver, kidneys, etc. without the coverings, these organs would be more vulnerable to damage. So, fats work as a protector of these vital organs. Furthermore, fats function like an insulator by controlling our body temperature.

• Fats facilitate the processing of vitamin A, D, E and K. All these vitamins are essential for maintaining a sound health.

• Fats also contain essential fatty acids (EFA’s) which play important role in the immune system. Moreover, the human body cannot generate these essential fatty acids. Therefore, consumption of dietary fats can provide these EFA’s.

Bad sides of fats

• Fats contain a high amount of calories. Physical exercise or a particular diet can burn calories, but the remaining calories stored in the body as fat.

• I said that, fats provide protection to our sensitive organs. But, covering of these organs with too much fat can lead to severe health complications such as fatty liver or coronary heart disease.

• Furthermore, saturated fats are considered as “bad fats”. Consumption of saturated fats is associated with the increasing of cholesterol level.

Types of fats

There are several types of fats, which include:

1. Saturated and unsaturated fats: Saturated fats usually result in harmful consequences in our health. Foods that contain saturated fats include red meat such as beef, pork, mutton etc.

On the other hand, our body requires unsaturated fats, which have beneficial impacts. Fishes and fresh vegetables are good sources of unsaturated fatty acids.

2. Trans fats or hydrogenated fats: This type of fats is often treated with extra hydrogen. However, it is a nice choice to the manufacturers, but it can cause serious harms to our health after consumption. Furthermore, this type of fat lowers the level of high density lipids (HDL) and increases the level of low density lipids (LDL). Therefore, foods with this type of fats should be avoided from your diet.

3. Cholesterol: Cholesterol is a type of fat which is found in the blood. Although, our body has the necessity of cholesterol, but an increasing level of cholesterol can cause serious health problems. The risk of facing problems gets acceleration in the people who do not do physical exercise, smoke and have high blood pressure or diabetes.

Low-fat yogurt calories

Since calories input and output calculation is important in a weight management program, you need to focus on low-fat yogurt calories. But, your diet chart should be made according to your doctor’s advice.

Low-fat yogurt calories per 100 grams
Plain low-fat yogurt contains 63 calories per 100 grams.
Low-fat Greek yogurt calories per 100 grams
Low-fat Greek yogurt contains 78 calories per 100 grams.
Low-fat yogurt nutrition

A serving of 100g of plain low-fat yogurt contains the followings (an approximate value):

1. Calories: 63
2. Total fat: 1.26 g
3. Sodium: 76 mg
4. Potassium: 240 mg
5. Carbohydrates: 7.2 g
6. Fiber: 0 g
7. Protein: 5.1 g

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Note: low fat Yogurt contains probiotics and they can help you to reduce your extra mass.

I want to say that you should be concerned about consuming foods with fat. Because, all fats are not unhealthy and you need them as well. I believe you have realized the post. My attempts were to provide you with some information on yogurts and fats. Moreover, I tried to include the benefits and bad sides as much as possible. I have taken all the information from authentic sources and recent researches. Finally, I wish to conclude saying that, you must be concerned about adding a food on your diet and same as removing a food. Moreover, I suggest you to add yogurt on your diet and the type of yogurt should be your required type. Along with that, from many brands and types of yogurt, you have to pick the right one you need and you have to buy the best yogurt. Hopefully the post will be helpful for you.

Note: Yogurt Trusted Brand: Chobani, Fage, Yoplait, Dannon, Oikos, siggi etc.

Emily Rosen

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