Smoothie yogurt recipes

Smoothie yogurt recipes

Yogurt itself is a healthy and tasty food, but you can make it tastier just by adding some extra ingredients. This practice will not only increase its taste, but it will also increase the nutrient content of your yogurt. Moreover, you can follow some recipes of yogurt with some other ingredients, but the ingredients must be healthy. So, today I will provide you with several recipes of yogurt with such ingredients, and what types of benefits they will provide.

Note: For more recipes you can visit amandagriffinjacob blog.

Smoothie yogurt recipes:

Smoothies are mind blowing. Also, you can make smoothie yogurt with the addition of some different types of fruits and the addition of several medicinal spices will make it more delicious.

Benefits of smoothies: Smoothies are a great way to eat healthy with fruit, milk, protein, yogurt etc. All these elements are nutritious ingredients which will boost your immune system, metabolic function etc.

1. Yogurt banana ginger smoothie


6 ounces of vanilla or plain yogurt, 1 sliced banana, 1 tablespoon of honey and ½ teaspoon of nicely chopped fresh ginger.


Mix the banana, yogurt, honey and ginger, blend them well until it becomes smooth.


This smoothie is a great home remedy to digestion problem, nausea, painful burning on the chest or throat (heartburn) and stomach discomfort as well.

2. Yogurt orange smoothie


1 orange, ¼ cup of fat-free yogurt, 1 tablespoon of concentrated frozen orange juice, ¼ teaspoon of vanilla essence and some ice cubes.


Peel the orange, remove its seeds and mix all the ingredients. Blend the mixture until it becomes smooth.


Along with protein, carbohydrate and fiber, this is a citrus-filled smoothie which will cheer you up.

3. Delightful orange strawberry yogurt smoothie


1 orange, 1 banana, 1 cup of plain and non-fat yogurt and 5/6 frozen strawberries.


Peel the orange and make ½ cup of juice, slice the banana and mix all the ingredients for 20 seconds. Then blend the mixture until it becomes smooth.


This smoothie can be considered as the world’s best smoothie. It is so delightful and healthful. This smoothie will provide you a lot of energy and you can have it with your breakfast. Have it and stay satisfied until your lunch.

4. Pineapple yogurt smoothie


1 cup of low-fat yogurt or light vanilla yogurt, 1 cup of chopped pineapple and 5/6 ice cubes.


First blend the yogurt with ice around for 30 seconds and then add the pineapple chunks. Blend them together until it becomes smooth.


Pineapple is very low in calories and rich in vitamin C (58%). So, it can be a nice addition to your weight loss diet on your breakfast.

5. Papaya yogurt smoothie


1 medium sized papaya, 1 cup of plain non-fat yogurt or light vanilla yogurt and 5/6 ice cubes.


Blend the yogurt with ice cubes at first around for 30 seconds, now add the chunks of papaya and blend the mixture together until it becomes smooth.


Papaya is a useful remedy of constipation problem. So, this smoothie can be a nice home remedy for constipation problem, and having this drink in your breakfast will keep your stomach in comfort. However, you can also add some pineapple chunks to the smoothie.

6. Peach yogurt smoothie


1 cup of 1% milk, 2 tablespoon of light vanilla yogurt, ½ cup of frozen peaches, ½ cup of strawberries, a little amount of ginger powder, 2 teaspoon of whey protein powder and ¾ ice cubes.


Take all the ingredients in a mixing bowl, mix it with a large spoon and blend them well until it becomes smooth. Also, you can add some soft ingredients such as precooked oatmeal, frozen fruits etc. Moreover, you can also add some extra ice cubes if you want a thicker texture.


This is a perfect slimming diet. Avoid the addition of extra sugar to maximize the benefit. However, if you are craving for sweet, then you can add a little amount of honey or maple syrup.

7. Frozen fruit yogurt smoothie


1 frozen banana, 2 cups of frozen raspberries, strawberries and cherries, 1 cup of low-fat milk, ½ cup of plain or vanilla yogurt, 1large orange.


Peel and slice the banana and extract ½ cup juice from the orange. Now mix all the ingredients together and blend them together until it becomes smooth. However, if you want a dairy-free smoothie, you can add dairy-free yogurt, soy milk, coconut milk or rice milk instead of regular milk. You can also 2/3 teaspoon of honey to increase the taste.


This is a nutritious recipe where it contains sufficient amount of fiber and vitamins. So, it is a healthful drink.

Emily Rosen

Welcome to Family Yogurt! Here you'll find simple, delicious and healthy, plant-based yogurt recipes and everything you need to eat, live and thrive, chocolate and cookies included.