Best Yogurt for diabetics: Do’s and Don’ts for type 2 Diabetes

Eat yogurt everyday and keep diabetes away. Whether you are a diabetes patient or not you need to follow a balanced diet. A large number of people all over the world are type1 or type 2 diabetes patients. Although diabetes mellitus is a hereditary disease (I will talk about it later on), a particular diet plan is necessary to maintain. Therefore, you need to choose your suitable diet.

Today, my write up includes the importance of yogurt & diabetics, why need the best yogurt for diabetics. Basically, I will provide you a brief on diabetes disease and I will gradually show you the benefits of consuming yogurt and other purposes as well. I wish to start with a brief on diabetes. So, let us move to the next.


Recommended:  We have a  detailed post on yogurt probiotics.

What is diabetes?

Diabetes is simply a number of diseases associated with insulin production in the human body. Insulin is a hormone which controls the regulation of blood glucose in your body. The pancreas is the organ which releases insulin. Since diabetes is a lifelong disease, there is no cure for this disease yet. But, maintaining a proper routine will help to control your problem.

There are mainly two types of diabetes in terms of insulin production. They are type 1 and type2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes patients cannot produce any insulin and they need to take insulin from external source. On the other hand, though the patients of type2 diabetes can produce insulin, it does not get generated in sufficient amount. Therefore, controlling food intake and adding required foods to the routine can play an important role to control type2 diabetes. Yogurt can be a good food to control this type. I will try to focus on type2 diabetes and the role of yogurt on this later on.

What to eat with diabetes?

I have already said that, diabetes is a lifelong disease and the people with diabetes need to control their food intake throughout their life.

  1. Carbohydrates:

Our body requires a particular amount of carbohydrates, but you need to be choosier about carbohydrate intake if you are a diabetic. You have to consume the natural grains such as brown rice and flours instead of processed grains.

  1. Drinks and beverages:

Drink fresh water as much as you can. You have to remove drinks and beverages such as regular beer or energy drinks. Soft drinks are usually with artificial sweetners rich beverages.

  1. Dairy:

Can diabetics eat yogurt?

If you are a diabetic, yogurt can be a very good option. There are lots of health benefits of yogurt including controlling diabetes. Yogurt is full of essential nutrition and has little carbohydrate. Therefore, it will not increase your blood glucose level. So, it needs to buy the sugar free yogurt for diabetics.

Have a look: Get rid from diarrhea.

What researches say?

Yogurt is a fermented food which is full of beneficial bacteria. They have good impacts on our gut health.

Although the researches on the role of yogurt in diabetics is still ongoing and how yogurt can help controlling diabetes is uncertain, researches done so far have found several useful impacts of yogurt in diabetics.

Note: Yogurt good  for yeast infections, you can check the full article.

Yogurt and type2 diabetes

Earlier I said that patients with type2 diabetes have a decreased amount of insulin production. Moreover, their body cells generate a hostile condition to accept insulin, which results in a high blood glucose level. According to a recent research, yogurt consumption can reduce the risk of type2 diabetes by 18 percent.

What to look for in a yogurt?

As I said earlier that it is much important to choose the best one for diabetics. You are more likely to get a balanced amount of nutrition by consuming the best type of yogurt from the supermarket. If you are a diabetes patient, you need to follow a guideline to choose the right type of yogurt for you. Now I will provide you some suggestions to choose the best yogurt for diabetics.

  1. See the amount of fat:
  2. Look for the amount of carbohydrates:

Now I will show you the ways of consuming yogurt if you are a diabetic patient. Also you can see How to make yogurt at home by using electric yogurt maker.

How to have yogurt in your diabetes?

  1. Yogurt in your breakfast.
  2. Yogurt as food dressings.
  3. Yogurt in smoothies.

How yogurt prevents diabetes?

Consuming yogurt regularly or at least four or five times a week may decrease the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. A recent research of United Kingdom finds that people with highest yogurt consumption have a 24 percent reduced risk of developing type 1 diabetes in contrast to the people who does not consume yogurt.

The researches on the connection between yogurt consumption and preventing diabetes do not provide distinct results yet, but provides several hypotheses which show the beneficial aspects of yogurt in preventing diabetes.

A study of the Harvard School of Public Health provides a hypothesis is that the bacteria in yogurt may reduce the inflammation and help to increase insulin sensitivity. But, this hypothesis requires more clinical trial to provide clear evidences.

Although diabetes is a hereditary disease, it also can develop if the person does not follow a disciplined lifestyle. Obesity is a major cause of developing diabetes. Moreover, it is also associated with developing other diseases such as kidney problems, hypertension etc. Consumption of yogurt regularly helps to improve the immune response and provide an excellent metabolic function and thus it can reduce your weight. Since obesity is a major cause of diabetes, consumption of yogurt can protect you from diabetes by cutting your extra body mass.

Finally, I want to end up saying that, yogurt is a nice option to add in the meal for the diabetics. Through the article I have tried to provide you important information about the importance of yogurt to prevent diabetes. This article will also provide you with beneficial health impacts of consuming yogurt.

Although the researches associated with diabetes management and yogurt are still ongoing, but the hypotheses are much helpful to give an idea about the importance of yogurt as well as the advancement of further researches. So, I suggest you to consume yogurt if you are a diabetes patient and if you are not, then you should also eat yogurt regularly to prevent diabetes. All the information in the article is based on recent researches and hopefully this information will provide you something interesting or new to you.

Tag: best yogurt for gestational diabetes

Note: Yogurt Trusted Brand: Chobani, Fage, Yoplait, Dannon, Oikos, siggi etc.

Emily Rosen

Welcome to Family Yogurt! Here you'll find simple, delicious and healthy, plant-based yogurt recipes and everything you need to eat, live and thrive, chocolate and cookies included.